Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Gusty Guest Wednesday #3

     Welcome one and all to Gusty Guest Wednesday, the third edition! I'm sorry there haven't been regular posts lately, but there shall be soon. Until then, let me introduce you to our new guest, the amazing ambling musician, Joe Byers!

(Once again, I'm the italics)

Can you give us a short summary of who you are and what you do?
      Joe Byers- singer/songwriter I play music of the acoustic folk genere
How did you get started playing guitar and writing music?
     I broke a guitar string when I was six, and won a guitar at Cedar Point. I thought, "Wow, maybe since I have one now, I should play it." 
(Trivia question: How many musicians say that they play because of  Cedar Point? Answer: 3847! Just kidding . . .)
You've told me about the band you used to be in, could you tell all the Amblers about it and why it broke up?
     It was a talent show band... they all went to college xD and I am kinda in another band, but we're just starting to kick it off.
I was actually hoping for the whole story about some other band stealing your totally sweet band name and your band members getting so upset about it, that everyone left but you. Oh well.
If you could play any instrument besides guitar, what would it be?
      piano, because it's a very beautiful instrument
It is a capital mistake to . . . not capitalize the first letter in your sentence. You disappoint me. But yes, pianos are very nice.

Who's your favorite musician?
      Bob Dylan
So let's listen to Bob Dylan, watch the walls come falling down, now . . . Lo siento, Queens Club reference. Speaking of which, Joe, I've always had the feeling you'd like that band, you should look them up.
Who inspires you? What bands have impacted your musical style?
      Everything I hear impacts my music style, positively and negatively. For example, if I listen to Simon and Garfunkel record, it's positive. Now, if I listen to LMFAO, which I absolutely hate, I try to not sound like that. I have lots of influences, the major ones are Bob Dylan, Harry Chapin, Simon and Garfunkel, Colin Hay, Decemberists, Coldplay, Tenth Avenue North, White Stripes, Black Keys, Arctic Monkeys, the list is endless.
     (A couple days later he messaged me on facebook and insisted I add Jack White to this list. I'm not sure who that is, but he's important to our dear ambling musician!) 
The other day I saw at least one of those bands on the worst indie bands ever list, which means, they must be really good!

How many songs have you written? Which one is your favorite?
       I'd say that I'm nearing 50. I've written two full albums. And as far as favorites go, I really like T.E.E.N, Vincent Valentine, and Complications

What is your favorite line you've written?
      "Vincent, school should be what matters most, not how much butter's on your toast," and/or the Impromptu Song, which is completely off the top of my head and is new every time I play it.

What has been your biggest failure and your greatest success in your musical career?
      Last year's talent show. I totally messed up the solo in Icky Thump. It was kinda nasty. Greatest success was playing Fine Arts Night and getting a single standing ovation. Hahaha.
That awkward laugh after bragging about yourself . . . But don't worry, I made you do it, no need to be embarrassed. I brag about myself all the time without being asked! I'm very humble though.

You've played at coffee shops and such, how's that experience been? Any funny stories?
        Fantastic. It's radiating soul, which I love more than anything. Soul is what drives music forward. My favorite story from a coffee shop is that I apparently made a girl wet herself by laughing so hard. And once, during the Impromptu song, I played guitar, ate a Ritz cracker, and recited Shakespeare.
I <3 Shakespeare :3

What advice would you give beginning musicians?
     Don't let people get you down, your heart speaks louder than their voices. Also, be the change that you wanna see in the world. 
Anything else you'd like to say before you go?
      If anyone thinks I'm good enough, hopefully I can land a record deal! xD
Haven't had anyone get a record deal because of my blog yet, but there's always a first! Good luck Joe and thanks for stopping by!

Thank you all for reading and be sure to check out Joe's facebook page and there are a few videos of him on this youtube channel. 


  1. Hey, I like the Black Arctic Striped Monkey Keys too! And Mr. White, well he's a pretty exquisite guitarist as well.

    1. Well, now. As Richard Lofthouse (cookie?) Butler is prone to say, "well, well, well". You know all is well when you have enough wells and especially if your wells are deep enough. Well said, eh?


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