Sunday, March 17, 2013



Because I'm a cool and random person, I'm going to start a spontaneous fiction serial in the near future.
Because I'm a cool and random person, I'm ending this post here. Dang, that was exciting.

Monday, March 4, 2013

Ello Poppet

    The title has nothing to do with the post. Just thinking of that awesome scene in Pirates of the Caribbean where what's-his-name not the one with the fake eye, but the other on with the long disgusting hair, finds Elizabeth and says "Ello poppet"       Fun stuff. Anyways, thought I should post a link to my deviantArt, The username is a little odd, it's from years ago. Has to be three years at least. That's a long time for someone my age.



     I'm at home today which is amazing and unusual. I should be doing more important things than what I'm doing (which is posting on this blog, if you didn't know) (Oh, that's obvious. Perhaps I should mention that I'm also balancing a yellow mouse vase on my head as well. No, really.)
     I should be cooking dinner, which is supposed to be a healthy mexican pizza. Which has no cheese and a billion ingredients. Looks too complicated and I really want to make veggie lasagna but nooo, we MUST make the pizza!
     I also should be finishing the flag for the robotics competition, which I have sewn together but it currently just red and black stripes and nothing else.
     I should be studying and doing homework. BLAHHHHH. Life requires too much work sometimes. Bother.

     However, before I get to those things, I must brag about my geeky accomplishments of late. (I say "of late" instead of "lately" because "Of late" sounds classier. "Classy" being an alternative to "Epic-er" or "Awesome-r")
     I have watched the entirety of the 5th season of Doctor Who, which I thought was very good and a tad shorter than I expected. I have also read The Restaurant at the End of the Universe. Which, if I owned the book instead of borrowing it from the library, I would Share an Enjoy it. HAHA. AHAHAHA. THAT WAS REALLY FUNNY. Not really but okay. There's some saying about laughing at yourself, and it's probably a pretty nice saying too.

     Okay, bye.

Oh yah. Exterminate, annihilate, pretty much the same thing, right?