Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Gusty Guest Wednesday #2

So your darling blogger was very proactive and found two musicians to interview for this week. However, that same darling blogger failed to follow through with those said interviews. I know what you're thinking: "COME ON! You're distracted, and I expected something crazy!" Mind reader. Yep.
Anyways, I'm very sorry and shall try to make up for it. Thus, today, I'm interviewing myself! Woot!
     Who are you and what do you do?
I'm Storm Marie White. I'm an artist, writer, musician and nonconformist.
     What got you started on art, music, and writing?
My mother majored in art history and interior design, she started teaching art, so I grew up taking art classes constantly. She also became a guitar teacher. So I was in guitar classes. My father has been writing a book since college (a long time ago) so I got started writing too. However, you failed to ask how I became a nonconformist. When I was growing up, everyone said I was just like my mom. I decided I MUST BE DIFFERENT. So I am. And it has expanded into being different than EVERYONE ELSE TOO. I'm not even like the blue ballerina zebras! I AM LIKE NO OTHER. AND I'M VERY HUMBLE.
     Calm yourself, darling! You're getting QUITE carried away!
     What's your favorite flavor of upside down cheesecake and what generic soda and what meat goes best with it?
BLAH. CHEESECAKE. I hate cheese cake. And you know I'm vegetarian, you carnivore!
     It'd be an omnivore, poppet, but I'm a vegetarian too.
Bleh. You annoying ambler, you. Anyhow. Generic sodas don't cut it. It has to be the name brand Coke. None of that Meijer cola or that Pepsi stuff. It has to be that coca-cola, and it has to be vanilla coke. It's the best.
     Who are your favorite inspirations?
God. :) for music, The Myriad is the greatest. The mystery.. The beauty.. The ingenious lyrics.. His voice.. :3
     Our readers get the point, thank you. They are amazing though.
I love so many musicians, can't name them all here, but I will post some more songs soon! As for writers, Tanith Lee has had an impact on my writing with her series, The Claidi Journals (Not sure that's spelled right, will check). Wayne Thomas Batson inspired me with his powerful allegorical fantasy, especially in The Dark Sea Annals. I'm also totally crazy about the classics, love them, they have altered my writing style immensely, particularly Sherlock Holmes books by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, as well as books by Charles Dickens, Jane Austen, Charlotte Bronte, J. R. R. Tolkien, and C.S. Lewis. I'm stopping here.
     What's it with you and Plutonians?
Plutonians are awesome. So much more intelligent than humans. But the only way you can tell humans and Plutonians apart is by licking them. Humans taste salty, Plutonians taste sweet.
     What type of art do you create? What type of music do you write? What sort of writing do you do?
 That's a very tall answer order. My art is multi-media, layered collage type work with a little bit of everything, and usually a few (hopefully) powerful words and a heavy dose of surrealism. My music.. Some of the dark drama of Evanescence, the playful randomness of Owl City, some folksiness, some harsher sounds... Usually stories. One song is about a raven that doesn't understand its beauty. One about a little girl trying to convince a caterpillar to turn into a butterfly. I like to mix in some non-English languages into it too. Each language has its own uniquely beautiful sound. My writing is mostly fantasy. My current project is about a different world which suddenly has a way to view all of earth's history and the people discover Christianity which sends political and religious tremors through their ancient religion-ruled world.
     Any advice to up and coming creative sorts?
Anyone can be a great artist or musician or writer. Talent helps, but really it just takes TONS of practice.
     Anything else you'd like to say before you go?
Every single day, he picked up a rock, and put it in his sock, and drove away. When he got home, he took his stones, and put them on his white flamingo bones.
And listen to this song :)


  1. Besides the fact that you live life sadly absent from the great food category(meats), it was a very pleasant interview.

    Keep em' up!


  2. You should talk to yourself...umm, I mean interview yourself more often. It was a great read. :-)

  3. That awkward moment when you answered the comments and a week later you discover your answer didn't post. HELANNE YOU STUPID IPOD! I mean, I love Helanne but sometimes she messes up...
    Anyhow, thanks Millard :) I take it you live your life in the grip of that poisonous disgustingness? ;P
    Gmahng, haha, I'll be sure to do that ;)


I appreciate any and all comments!