Monday, March 4, 2013

Ello Poppet

    The title has nothing to do with the post. Just thinking of that awesome scene in Pirates of the Caribbean where what's-his-name not the one with the fake eye, but the other on with the long disgusting hair, finds Elizabeth and says "Ello poppet"       Fun stuff. Anyways, thought I should post a link to my deviantArt, The username is a little odd, it's from years ago. Has to be three years at least. That's a long time for someone my age.



     I'm at home today which is amazing and unusual. I should be doing more important things than what I'm doing (which is posting on this blog, if you didn't know) (Oh, that's obvious. Perhaps I should mention that I'm also balancing a yellow mouse vase on my head as well. No, really.)
     I should be cooking dinner, which is supposed to be a healthy mexican pizza. Which has no cheese and a billion ingredients. Looks too complicated and I really want to make veggie lasagna but nooo, we MUST make the pizza!
     I also should be finishing the flag for the robotics competition, which I have sewn together but it currently just red and black stripes and nothing else.
     I should be studying and doing homework. BLAHHHHH. Life requires too much work sometimes. Bother.

     However, before I get to those things, I must brag about my geeky accomplishments of late. (I say "of late" instead of "lately" because "Of late" sounds classier. "Classy" being an alternative to "Epic-er" or "Awesome-r")
     I have watched the entirety of the 5th season of Doctor Who, which I thought was very good and a tad shorter than I expected. I have also read The Restaurant at the End of the Universe. Which, if I owned the book instead of borrowing it from the library, I would Share an Enjoy it. HAHA. AHAHAHA. THAT WAS REALLY FUNNY. Not really but okay. There's some saying about laughing at yourself, and it's probably a pretty nice saying too.

     Okay, bye.

Oh yah. Exterminate, annihilate, pretty much the same thing, right?

1 comment:

  1. You better be annihilating your homework right about now, poppet ;-)


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