Thursday, March 20, 2014

In Summary

     I don't have time to write the full post now, or rather, I have time but I should resume writing something more important as soon as possible, so I'll just sum up what I want to say and write a more complete post later for your consumption, The possums will be doing summersaults out of their consuming anticipation, I presume. Assuming of course you tell them about it. You will tell them, won't you? 

      In summary: life can be summed as a long list of summaries.

Think about it.

Monday, January 20, 2014

Understanding Infinity


 Infinity is a concept that infinitely irritates me. Well, the misunderstanding of infinity is actually the problem. Obviously we all have puny little human minds so totally comprehending a crazy concept like that is impossible, but there are some basics I think we all can and should understand. I'm no scientist or mathematician or anything like that, so feel free to make fun of and correct me if I am totally wrong.

I'm going to assume you already know what infinity is and stuff and just discuss the one aspect of it that really irks me that people don't understand. If you don't know what infinity is, use google. If you don't know what google is, then I can't help you.
So yah. Here we go.

Infinity is not the same as infinite variety

People tend to think that if something goes on forever, it contains every possible combination of things. Like, the idea that within the infinite numbers of Pi you'll find the works of Shakespeare (if you use a number to letter cipher of some kind). But it's possible that there is no perfect copy of any Shakespeare play within those random numbers. At some point, Pi could become a meaningless repetition of 987349987349987349987349987349987349987349 over and over again.

 Here's a Vihart video discussing Pi and Shakespeare:

Sounds pretty obvious, but a lot of people don't think about that. A lot of smart people.

     Here's Charlie discussing his thoughts on infinity. In the video, he talks about how he thinks there are infinite versions of himself with only minor changes on infinite planets very similar to earth.
The problem is that even though the universe is infinite, there may not be a single planet that's even habitable like earth. There could be infinite desert planets. There could be infinite planets with poisonous gases smothering them. There could be infinite parts of space without any planets at all. I honestly think that there is no Charlie copy regardless of the infinite size of the universe.

I'm sure other people have discussed this and explained it better than I have, but I've been wanting to write this for a long time, and no one reads this anyways (except parents, obv.) so I figured I might as well.

Ladeedadeeda. Have an infinitely great day.