The Art of Storm Marie White

Hello Amblers! Here I'll post my little gallery of art and such for you to peruse as you wish. Don't worry if you're too speechless to post compliments on the amazingness of my art and how humble I am, I promise if you think the compliments hard enough, I will feel the warmth of your sentiments deep in my heart. And as always, thank you for being your awesome self.. Have fun and don't steal art.

     Here is a multi-media project from my art journal. Made with acrylic paint, bandages, old playing cards, a quote from Everyday Sunday's Song "Under your Thumb" and who knows what else.

     This is a simple little pencil drawing of the Las Lajas cathedral in Columbia.

     Another multi-media project from my art journal. It reads "Descending" starting with the first letter in the top left corner, then the first letter in the top right, and so on going clockwise so you have to read going in a circle like a spiral staircase.

     This is a mosaic based on Chagall's "The Message of Odysseus"

     Here is a colored pencil portrait of my favorite and absolutely gorgeous cousin.

     Yet another multi-media art journal page. Water color and india ink background with vellum over it with pen drawings. Based on the song "Hello" by Evanescense.

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