Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Driver's Ed Ambling Doodling

     As we all know, driver's ed is about as fun as Cedar Point. I mean, as fun as the waiting lines for the biggest coasters at Cedar Point. Bahaha, before the second sentence you were thinking I was either nuts or had an amazingly unusually exciting class. Or you've never heard of Cedar Point so you assumed it was something boring. Which it might be to some people, but it's been the #1 amusement park for a while I believe so it can't be too bad. Or maybe you get a ticket discount if you vote for them. That's probably not legal. And definitely off topic.
     Anyhow, drivers ed is boring. So I amuse myself by doodling. No wholly unproductive doodling, it relates to what the teacher is talking about, so it helps me remember stuff. For your amusement, since this isn't an amusement park, just an amusement blog, but not even really that.. check out my doodles.
      We were on a chapter about driving in cities. The first thing our teacher talked about was how there are more hazards per mile in the city, and he said we should remember that cuz it'd be on our end of class quiz. So I doodles about various hazards.

      During our fifteen minute break halfway through each session we get lollipops from this huge basket full of them. And the snake's heads are bell shaped because of a string of bells in the room. I'm aware that I missed an L in the word "lollipop" Hey, I was listening to the teacher instead of paying attention to my spelling, okay?

      We have two different instructors. One's an older lady and the other is a younger guy. This time we had the guy. He's fun, makes the class a bit less boring, and he likes to make Judge Judy references, I have no idea why. But yah. Then we were talking about signs. And that made me think of the song "Polar Bears and Shark Fins" by my favorite band, The Myriad. Thus, the hammerhead shark. Wham. Have a nice day!

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