Sunday, September 22, 2013

Just an Update

I've been away for a while. Is there a way to make all my posts start with that sentence? Like a signature, but at the beginning. It would sure be convenient if there was a way...

I've been busy with college-y stuff. The most interesting of the classes I'm taking would be the ceramics class. I made a duck shaped pot, which is pretty fun. We started throwing pots last thursday. By that I mean using the pottery wheel, not actually launching our pots at a wall or something ridiculous like that ;)

Yups. So that's been cool. All the school year activities have started back up again at the library. We had a ninja party yesterday. The turnout was impressive, somewhere around thirty kids came, some were even waiting to be let in 20 minutes before the party started. We played ninja themed games, had japanese snacks and prizes, a ninja star craft and watched an anime. We weren't able to get Naruto to fit with the ninja theme, unfortunately, so we ended up watching Fairy Tail. Everyone seemed to enjoy it anyways.
Teen Advisory Group also went well, or so I hear. I messed up when I planned out my schedule for this semester, so my ceramics class is during TAG meetings, so I can't go. But 11 teens came to the first meeting, and all of them had great input, so that was really great!

I'd like to start Gusty Guest Wednesdays back up soon. No promises, but it'd be nice.

I've been too busy to do much blog post brain storming, thus this lame all-about-me post.
Storm's brain storming, hahaha. That's kind of a pun. Ish. Thing. Sorry. lol.
Okay, goodbye now.

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