Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Conspiracy Wednesday

     Thursday: Thanksgiving. Friday: Black Friday. Saturday: Small business Saturday. Monday: Cyber Monday. But what about today, Wednesday? I know you've been wondering. Today in CONSPIRACY WEDNESDAY. MWAH HA HA HA!
     My conspiracy theory is that tomorrow, China will Crash. Turkey will fall. Greece will be overthrown.
     And of course, everybody wants to rule the world. So while America is lying helpless, immobile from their over filled stomachs, we shall be attacked.
     But don't worry, I'm here to protect you and since I know of these impending disasters, I will do my best to stop them. So if my predictions do not come true, know that I succeeded in saving the world. If they do come true, I failed to save you, but at least my predictions would be right.

     That is all. I must go save the world now.

1 comment:

  1. Singing pandas rule the world...until the music stops, that is.


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